Gifts for Children's Day

32 Unique & Best Gifts for Children's Day

Looking for Best Gifts for Children's Day? Here is a list of Children's Day Gift Ideas that every child would love. Order these Bulk Gifts for Students now.

Children's day is right around the corner, and thus begins your search for the best gifts for children, gifts for students and coming up with some practical and useful children's gift. No matter the role you are playing, be it of a parent, teacher, relative, corporate client, shop or store owner, you will rach your brains for the best gifts for childrens day you could find.

To ease your search and enhance your convenient shopping experience Amazon Business has curated a collection of childrens gifts to make this day extra special for the children in your life. Register with Amazon Business today to find out!

Moreover, this blog is there to guide you through the best gifts for childrens day with the 32 unique children's day gift ideas at your disposal. Keep reading to find out.


What is Children's Day?

Children's day is dedicated to celebrating children celebrating the joys and happiness of childhood. Childhood is an important stage of growth in any individual's life, deciding how adulthood and later phases of life manifest. So don't forget to celebrate the children in your life.


Why is Children's Day Celebrated?

We often hear children are the future of our nation, and Jawahar Lal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, was very fond of children, so we celebrate children's day to honor him. He pointed out that "children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow."


When is Children's Day?

Children's day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Jawahar Lal Nehru each year on November 14th. Before 1964 this day was celebrated on 20th November (aligning with world children day. However, it was shifted to November 14th to honor Pandit Nehru, given his love for children after he passed away.


List of Children's Day Gift Ideas

We have an exciting list of gifts for children day for you to pick from. Here are 32 unique children's day gift ideas to make this day extra special for the children around you.


1. Tiffin Boxes

Tiffin boxes are one of the best gifts for students. Children love their tiffin boxes themes like their favorite characters like Avengers, pokemon, Elsa, Ana, and other Disney characters, making it an amazon gift for childrens day.


Check out our online collection of tiffin boxes below:

Tiffin boxes

2. Water Bottles

Another must have thing on every child's list is a water bottle. To keep the hydration level in check from all the running around and various other activities at children are engaged in school, water bottles are useful gifts for students or children.

Smart water bottles are great chidrens gifts for children's day for older children completely acquainted with the technology.

Water Bottles


3. Notepads


The one thing students and children could not do without are notebooks or notepads. Whether taking down notes, scribbling ideas, or doodling, notebooks/ notepads are one of the best gift ideas for students. Not only are they useful gifts for students they can help children collect their thought and record memories that could live forever.




4. Pens

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Why not empower the kids around by giving them one of the best gifts for children? Let's revive the art of writing this year by gifting pens and motivating them.


5.  Pencils & Erasers

For younger kids yet to master writing, pens, pencils and erasers would be useful gifts for students still learning to write. You could come up with exciting gifts for children's day with themed pencil kits.



6. Stationery Gift Set

Stationary gifts are practical gifts for childrens day. No matter the child's age, stationery items are essential for various academic and artistic activities children engage in. Check out our stationery items to make combo kids gift ideas.


7. Digital LCD Drawig Tablet

You could nurture your children's artistic drive or passion with a digital LCD drawing tablet. They make great gift ideas for children's day and are easy to carry around. Digital LCD drawing tablets are handy environment-friendly childrens gifts reducing paper wastage. Check out our collection of drawing tablets and surprise your kids with these special gifts for childrens day:


8.  Mosquito Repellent Bands

A child's safety always takes priority. Mosquito bites are something we wish to shield our children from. Go for mosquito repellent bands so you can rest assured while the children go out to play and stay at home.


9.  Keychains

Gifting a keychain is never getting old with children. Be it kids gift ideas or childrens gift you are looking for, keychains are the way to go. They make a great gift for children's day, and they are cost-effective. Check out our cool collections of keychains:


10.  Backpacks

One gift for children's day that won't disappoint is a backpack! It's one of the best gifts for students and kids regardless of age. If you are a store owner looking to stock up on gifts for childrens day, then go for backpacks. And we have just the collection you are looking for at our online store.


11. Piggy Banks

Why not let your children enjoy the fun of saving as you did and gift them a piggy bank? Unlike olden, nowadays, piggy banks come with enhanced functions and fun elements, making them one of the best childrens gifts. It's also a good idea to bulk gifts for students. Register with Amazon Business to avail of the bulk discount.


12. Art & Craft Supplies

Art and craft supplies are one of the best gifts to kickstart to foster the creative side of children. You could never go wrong with a curated kit of art and craft supplies for children's day special gift ideas.


13. Desk Organizers

Every learning child needs an uncluttered desk to facilitate learning. Therefore, desk organizers are among the perfect children gifts. Desk organizers are great gifts idea for students to organize and arrange their study desks however they see fit.


14.  Journal

Journals are the best way to nurture the art of writing, and it also helps children process and organizes their inner thoughts are feelings. Journals are the best gifts for childrens day to show you care for their privacy and want to cultivate the habit of writing in them.



15. Board Games


Board games are a good way to bring friends closer and have fun together. Board games have been around for a long time. Even though some may argue they are old-fashioned, they are still one of the best children's day gift ideas.


Here are some of our picks:



Board Games

16. Chocolates

Hands down, one thing children won't say no to any day- chocolates! A box of chocolates is great ideas for children's day gift to make their day. Check out our range of luxury chocolates online:




17.  Juices

Juice boxes are another way to go if you want to stick to something healthy and less sweetening, like chocolates. Assorted juice boxes are a good way to inculcate the habit of healthy eating among children.


18. Chips & Crackers

Munching is something children love. Chips and crackers would make the perfect snack-time gifts for childrens day. Healthy, organic, or baked munchies would be the best gifts for childrens day. Check out our pantry shop collection online.


19.  Books

Re-introduce the tradition of among in the age of kindles and e-readers on this children's day. Gifting children's novels, coloring books, storey telling books, dictionaries, and documentaries are gift ideas for children's day to look out for.


20.  Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are a good way to build problem-solving ability and improve short-term memory in children. Engage your kids with the best gifts for childrens day this year and get them a puzzle box.



21.  Dough Set

Kids love playing with dough. It gives shape to their imagination. If you are looking for children's day special gift ideas, go for dough sets. Get the creative juices in the kid's flow and make playing more enjoying this children's day for them


Grab cool dough sets from our online store:

Dough Set

22.  Building Blocks

Building blocks is another way to engage kids' minds and enable them to create castles, buildings, and other shapes they imagine. It facilitates fun group activity, increases attention span, and cooperation with others.


23.  Slime Kit

Slime kits are very popular among kids these days. Why not go with gifts for childrens day that relaxes them and releases stress? Check out the slime kits we have at our online store:

Slime Kit

     24.   Mugs

Mugs are other gifts for childrens day to consider. It's a practical and useful gift, and you could make it extra special by customizing it and printing motivational quotes or personal messages for your children. Here are some fun mugs available at our online store:


25. T-shirts

Try personalized t-shirts for memorable gifts for childrens day. You could print personal messages, pictures, or quotes on the t-shirt. You could order in bulk for your students or get family-themed t-shirts to make children's day special.



26. Indoor Garden Kits

Indoor garden kits are among the skill-building gifts for childrens day that could enhance their gardening skills. Inculcate the nurturing habit in kinds this year with our indoor gardening kits:


Indoor Garden

27.  Alarm Clock

Alarm clocks are among the essential items in every child's bedroom. Whether a power nap, a long nap, or building a sleep cycle, alarm clocks are essential. Although smartphones have it all, having an alarm clock is essential if the battery on the phone runs out, reducing the reliance on phones.


28. Night Lamp

Night lamps are just the right gift ideas for children's day. They come in handy for late-night study sessions while cramming for exams. Also, sleeping with the night light can prevent children from tripping over and give them the courage to sleep alone. Check out our collection of night lamps that are perfect gifts for childrens day:


Night Lamps

29. Skipping Rope

Skipping ropes is a good way for children to channel their energy and burn some of it. The skipping rope trends and stunts have influenced many children in a good way to try it, therefore, gifting one is a good way to motivate them this year.


30. Bowls & Plates

Kitchen sets were fun to play with back in the day. Even now, you could go with a miniature version of bowls, plates, or dinner set to help kids recreate the family set-up, play around with friends, and serve fake meals to engage children in solo playing and group activities.


31. Card Games

Card games are a fun and exciting way to spend quality time with friends, strategize skills, and learn new things. Games like Go fish, UNO, Snap, Old Maid, or Monopoly are great children's day gift ideas for students or kids to consider this year.


32. Soft Toys

Kids and children adore soft toys, and they make one of the anticipated children's day gift ideas. Gifting a soft toy is like gifting their new sleepy-time buddy. Pick from our range of soft toys this year:

Soft Toys

Children's Day Gift Ideas - Agewise


For 1-3 years old

Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are tiny tots! Make sure to gift them safe and brain-development items. Here's a list of gifts for children's day and to help you:

1. Remote Controls

A two-year-old could quickly grasp the concept of driving a remote control car. Their fine motor abilities and the responsibility to care for the remote control toys foster a powerful learning strategy. Each sort of remote-control toy, which ranges from tractors, and cars to helicopters, aids in teaching children a particular set of abilities. Babies will enjoy racing and trailing the remote-control toy and watching it move on its own when it can move.

It's one of the best ideas for a childrens day gift as it:

  • Improving hand-eye coordination.
  • Helps children develop enthusiasm and fine motor abilities at a young age.

2. Electronic Piano

People frequently claim that music speaks every language. Eccentric tunes, wacky arrangements, or the most basic rhythmic beat can help us connect and communicate. It's simple to see that this is true if you've ever watched your toddler spontaneously begin to bounce to music or bang their hands on a table when they hear a beat. It's one of the best ideas for children's day gift.

Kids concentrate on the rhythm, pitch, and note duration and use both hands when playing the piano, unlocking their multi-level concentration abilities. Instantaneously, the tone of voice, the rate of speaking, and the melodic quality of speech all get enhanced at once.       

3. Toys & Figurines

According to research, play-based learning is crucial to a child's development. Ample playtime is a terrific way for families to help kids burn off some extra energy. A child learns about themselves via play from an early age. A child's intellect is already developing by seeing and absorbing their environment at a young age.

By giving them the correct toys, you can help your child learn to balance and coordinate while stimulating their curiosity due to improved mobility. Figurines and educational toys like rubber ducks, toy boats, stuffed animals, puzzles, themed toys, push cars, etc., are excellent toys to start your youngster out with because they will help them learn to recognize objects.

4. Rattles

Babies can hold, feel, and play with rattles as they explore their sense of touch. The rattle's different noises help the baby's hearing development and are one of the best gifts for childrens day. Rattles with various prints, hues, and designs will enhance the infant's ability to recognize colors.

They are fun and exciting toys that encourage the infant to play for a long time. By promoting different forms of grasping abilities, rattles help the baby develop their fine motor skills. They capture and maintain the infant's attention, enhancing cognitive development.

Additionally, newborns notice that the rattle makes noise as they move their hands, which helps them learn the idea of cause and effect and develops their hand-eye coordination. Buy the best quality rattles for the best prices on Amazon Business today!


For 3-6 years old

Children between the ages of 3-6 years old have brains that have developed a little. Giving them attractive and colorful gift items will truly add to their development. Take a look at the list of best gifts for childrens day for your inspiration:     

1. Art Kit

Art kits are the best gifts for children between the ages 3 to 6 years. It is also one of the best gifts for childrens day. Activities involving art and craft help to strengthen both large and small muscles as well as eye-hand coordination. Additionally, they assist kids in developing fine motor skills, which are essential for writing. Art kits provide exercises like holding a pencil or paintbrush, using scissors, squeezing glue, or rolling play dough.

Art encourages mental abilities that aid in paying attention, shifting focus, planning and organizing, multitasking, remembering specifics, and managing time. Art kits are one of the best gift ideas for students.

2. Building Blocks

Building blocks are really important for your child's fine motor skills. Children often become absorbed when using blocks to play and work on them for extended periods. It is one of the best gifts for childrens day. Children learn social skills by building blocks, including teamwork when constructing with siblings or friends. It's a children's day special gift ideas. Buy the best quality building blocks on Amazon today!          

3. Play Dough Set

Give your kids play dough and promote time spent outdoors instead of letting them watch TV all Day. Your children will strengthen their little hands as they form play dough into various shapes. They can build hand muscles for future fine motor movements by squishing, rolling, flattening, and other activities.

Play dough is non-toxic and reusable, making it the ideal toy for kids of all ages. It's also one of the best gift ideas for students and a great gift for children's day. Find non-toxic and safe play dough sets on Amazon Business and give your kids a break from the technology-driven life!              

4. Tent

A play tent can significantly boost your child's imagination and innovation skills. Children learn these skills the most during their formative years, which can be fun with a hideout or play tent house. Playhouse tents may be used to both encourage kids to play with building blocks and to keep all of their toys. When playing hide and seek or any other activity, kids may plan their movements by using these tiny tents.

Buy the best quality tents for your kids from Amazon Business today!

5. Jigsaw Puzzles     

The feeling of accomplishment that comes from completing a puzzle is timeless. But did you know that, whether they realize it or not, kids gain various skills while playing with puzzles? A child's physical abilities are greatly impacted by puzzle play, which helps the youngster develop fine motor skills by coordinating their little muscles. It is one of the best gifts for childrens day.

Writing, drawing, and learning to play an instrument are typically easier for kids who have acquired fine motor abilities. It's one of the most useful gifts for students. Purchase the best quality Jigsaw puzzles for discounted prices on Amazon Business!


For 6 - 10 years old

Children between the ages of 6 and 10 can speak and understand the world a little better. Gifting them items that will encourage them to create and play will be great! Here are some children's day gift ideas for your inspiration:          

1. Jewelry Set

Jewelry sets for your children are a great idea. It will improve their sense of style and make them look good! Buy from the most exciting range of original and imitation jewelry sets for kids only on Amazon Business!


2. Board Games

With board games, young children can learn how to distinguish between different colors, count squares, develop hand-eye coordination, and move piles about the board with the aid of even the most basic board games. Your kids will also learn fundamental lessons like waiting for one's turn, abiding by the rules, etc. It is one of the best gifts for childrens day.

Board games are also excellent for the development of a healthy brain. Particularly strategy games aid in the growth of the brain's frontal lobes, which are in charge of executive function abilities like organizing, planning, and decision-making. Buy from the wide variety of classic board games that you can participate in playing with your children on Amazon Business for the best prices!

3. Bowling Set

Bowling set is a great idea for kids because it helps them in various ways! Your toddler can acquire vital hand-eye coordination and depth awareness by bowling frequently. Through scorekeeping, it can also assist children in developing their mathematical abilities. Kids still count pins and analyze angles to choose the best move. It's a great gift for childrens. Buy the best quality bowling sets on Amazon Business!

4. DIY Craft kit

DIY craft kits will encourage your kid's creative and cognitive growth. By taking up a task alone, your kids will gain problem-solving skills. It's one of the best kids gift ideas. They will learn how to identify the issue and take action to remedy anything that goes wrong while playing with the kit. It will also encourage parent-child bonding time. Moreover, your kids' self-esteem will increase once they complete the craft project.

5. Lunch Kit

When their stomachs are full, kids are more focused and typically perform better in class. It has been demonstrated that children who eat a balanced lunch with enough nutrients are less likely to get sick and have better attendance at school. That's why your kids must have the perfect lunch kit. It is one of the best gifts for childrens day.

The durable lunch kids will completely protect their food from microorganisms. Lunch kits are available with removable divisions. These aid in creating divisions within the bag, which can then hold various food items, boxes, containers, or even water bottles. You can arrange your kids' lunch and other meals within their lunch kit with the help of detachable dividers.

6. Analog Watch

Children begin learning to read a clock between 4 and 6 years. Getting a model with a clean dial and clear digits is recommended to make this easier. The kids' watch is useful for teaching them how to read a clock. It's one of the best childrens gifts. Buy only the best quality watches with top designs and colors on Amazon Business!

7. Soft Toy

Soft toys are the ideal squishy friends for your little ones to cuddle with and play with. They are stuffed with heavy, warm fur to make them easier to carry and come in various sizes, forms, and names. It's a great kids gift ideas.

Soft toys also help in role-playing, which promotes dialogue and two-way communication. Your children's social skills can even be improved by playing with these toys. The soft, velvety texture of the plush animals gives a sleeping child a sense of comfort and security. They enjoy touching and experiencing the gentle sensation of the soft toy, which may help with sensory development. It's one of the best children's day gift ideas.


For 10+ years old

Children aged ten and above are in the right place to learn more! Gift them items that will improve their learning and cognitive skills! Take inspiration from the children's day gift ideas below:

1. 3D Puzzles

Three-dimensional structures can be built using 3D puzzles. It is a great family activity for your children that has been shown to favour interpersonal connections. It enhances visual memory and focus, cultivates patience, long-term outcomes, and self-esteem, promotes problem-solving, enhances the capacity to see and form geometric associations between pieces, and fosters mathematical logic, classification, and association. It is one of the best gifts for childrens day.

Buy the best quality 3D puzzles from Amazon Business today!         

2. Books

The importance of reading to your children cannot be overstated. Reading will benefit your child's cognitive development, linguistic proficiency, academic success preparation, formation of a special link with you, increased focus and discipline, improved creativity and imagination, and the cultivation of a lifelong love of reading. It's one of the best gifts for students. Buy the best quality books for the best prices on Amazon Business!

3. Telescope

The telescope is one of the best technological innovations. Telescopes inspire awe and wonder in young children by giving them a more transparent look into our universe. For starters, picking one up for stargazing is a great place for kids to start. They may observe the cosmos in front of their eyes rather than reading about it in textbooks. It is one of the best gifts for childrens day.

Getting your child a telescope would be great if you want to foster their interest in astronomy. They can explore the universe and develop greater curiosity as they investigate their immediate environment. They eventually start asking additional queries. They seek explanations for what they are witnessing, its creation, and its composition. As a result, their vocabulary, comprehension, and social abilities all improve. It's a great gift for children.

4. Roller Skates

Roller skating is a fantastic aerobic activity that improves your child's physical endurance. Your children might develop their endurance through skating at an early age. It aids in boosting muscular endurance. When your child receives the right encouragement, it also teaches them a new skill that requires physical activity, focus, and discipline, which can positively affect their academic and extracurricular activities. Also one of the children’s day gift ideas for students to consider.

5. Sports Equipments

Encourage the spirit of sports in your child by giving them all the necessary equipment to build their fitness and stamina. Get good quality badminton, cricket, football, cycling and indoor sports equipment for your child only on Amazon Business. A childrens day gift to boost the athletic spirit in children.

6. Bike

Get a bike for your children and help them improve their health. Riding a bike can help your kids build endurance and reduce childhood obesity. It is an excellent cardiovascular workout. It's one of the best childrens gifts. Additionally, it aids in stress reduction, which might shield kids from psychological health issues. It contributes to stronger bones, more developed muscles, and better coordination. Additionally, it also enhances balance and motor abilities. Buy bikes from Amazon Business for the best prices!


Get your Bulk Gifts for Students from Amazon Business


Amazon Business is the right place to get the best and top-rated bulk gifts for students and your children. Buy the best quality toys, books, art & craft supplies, desk organizers, stationery items, chairs, tables, and printers for your children only on Amazon Business!




Kids are always excited when given a gift. Why not gift development this children's day? Register with Amazon Business to buy kid's gift items in bulk and get assured discount and doorstep delivery!          


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  • It's important to give gifts to children because it enables them to learn to give and share. When they see their parents and others gifting them, their mind is shaped to understand that gifting is a selfless act. They will learn empathy and a way to express their love and gratitude. Teaching them gifting one of the best children gifts!

  • Absolutely, yes! Students will feel appreciated, and the moment will always be cherished! They will be motivated to do better. Giving gifts when they do well at school or have won a competition can boost their morale and encourage them to do better. Motivation is one of the best children gifts.

  • You will get bulk discounts if you want to order gifts for students on children's day only on Amazon Business! Register with Amazon Business and enjoy the benefit of bulk discounts, GST invoice tax benefits, and doorstep delivery for the most useful gifts for students!

  • The only caveat to consider is age-friendly, safe and top-quality products. You should keep the student's age in mind when purchasing a gift. Take inspiration from this blog's children's day gift ideas to buy the best gifts for students.

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