Office Equipment

Essential Office Equipment List for Business

Know the Most Essential Office Equipments for Business Needs today. Explore the Various Advantages, Need and Types of Office Equipments for Work Efficiency.

Every business needs different types of office equipment for their employees to carry on their tasks properly. Office equipment helps in the smooth functioning of the business and is the company's assets, purchased specifically for office needs only.


Need of Office Equipments

Every business should understand the importance of high-quality and reliable office things like machines and equipment in the work environment. With advancement in technology, businesses have to pace themselves and stay ahead of the competition. Fortunately, technology in the form of office equipment can assist any business stay on top.


Advantages of Office Equipments

Office equipment plays a vital role in the daily operations of a business and offers a variety of benefits to the employees and the organization. Be it computers, scanners, copier systems, their importance is seen in how they improve employee efficiency and make them better organized. Some advantages of office equipments can be listed as follows:


●  Better communication options

●  Enhance worker efficiency and productivity

●  Reduce office costs

●   Efficient Organizational Tools

●   Improve accuracy

●   Good investment

Advantages of Office Equipments


Types of Office Equipments

The office equipment list can be categorized into various heads. Let’s look into these categories.



Some office equipment that fall into this category are:


Computers - Modern businesses invest significantly in office equipment such as computers because they help in staying connected internally and to the outside world. Most businesses need multiple office equipment like desktops and laptops to connect with the best printers for office use to create hard copies of important documents.


Monitors - Computer monitors have a huge impact on the video quality to employees, regardless of whether they’re designing, presenting, or working on documents and spreadsheets. Poor monitor quality can have a negative impact on the employeees’ eyes, affecting productivity and overall efficiency. Also, as commonly seen in small businesses, employees do something more than only their job requirements. Proper monitor resolution is important, no matter who is behind the screen.


Headphones- Headphones are popular office use items and are essential office equipment. Headphones give employees more privacy, especially in the workplace setting. People need to concentrate, and would prefer not to be interrupted. Headphones screen out distracting noise and also indicate that you are immersed in a task and do not wish to be disturbed. Headphones are ideal during client or customer meetings to help listen clearly and without any interruptions, thereby promoting a more efficient workforce.


Printers- Today’s printers are not one-dimensional i.e. they do a lot more than just printing. They scan, copy, help in sending and receiving documents safely to servers, and some printers can even prepare your documents to make it presentation-ready. Even though offices are going digital, the need for hard copies still exists in a lot of legal matters. Hence, keeping in mind the modern printer’s various uses, its importance cannot be overlooked.


Label Maker- Keep your office things and office equipment well-organized with label makers. Label makers can be very useful for small businesses and are an excellent way to streamline and organize things. It can save time and also you can make it aesthetically pleasing to give a positive feel and look to the office setup.


Document Scanner - Document scanners improve access to vital information, increases productivity and cuts cost. Too many documents can create clutter, and we all know that clutter kills productivity. Document scanners prevent excess paper creation. It is also easier to share documents and collaborate when there is scanned documentation available. Finally, document scanning benefits the environment by reducing paper consumption and going towards a greener planet.

Document Scanner


Stationery is one of the items in every business’ office equipment list, for smooth day-to-day operations. Based on the type of business, there might be small changes in requirement with regards to office stationery list. However, some standard office stationery list include:


Pens, Papers, Paper Clips and Markers - Writing accessories are an important part of office stationery. Jot down notes, make corrections, highlight important aspects of a document, cross down completed activities, and more. Pens, papers and markers fall under this category and help employees to do their daily tasks without much hassle.


Notebooks and binders - Notebooks and binders are useful for better organization and productivity. They are ideal to create memos, use as scratch pads, create to-do lists, or DIY planners.


Folders, Files, Boxes - Some other office use items are boxes, files and folders to organize office things. Office administrators should include such filing and storage items in their office stationery list.


Calendar - Calendars occupy most office desks and spaces. Though computers, watches and mobiles show us the date, we are wired to look at calendars to check the date and mark important appointments


Business Cards - Business cards represent your business. It conveys important business information such as title, email, website, address and phone number. It is also the first point of information about the overall image of any business.


Envelopes, Stamps, Mailing Labels - can be used to showcase your business’ logo and name to your clients. Choose vibrant colors to add an aesthetic appeal to delivery labels and to catch the client’s eye.


Computer Software

Computer software are essential office use items depending on what business you do. While specific software might be necessary for your business, all businesses need some basic software like antivirus software, CRM and word processing software.


Antivirus - All office equipment like computers should be protected with security software to viruses, malware and hacking. As a business, the top priority should be to keep all computers and customer information safe. There are several antivirus software like McAfee, Norton, Quick Heal, Kaspersky and more that offer different features.


CRM Software - Customer relationship management (CRM) software is an important tool for businesses irrespective of their size. It can provide a variety of benefits, such as organizing contacts and automating critical tasks. It can act as a centralized hub to enable smooth internal and external communication. With businesses now moving to remote working even post the pandemic, CRM becomes even more important for better organization and customer satisfaction. Some examples of CRM software are Zoho, Bee Kavach, B-Line, and SmartCRM.


Word Processing Software - A word processing software is as essential as any tool for any office. The biggest benefit of word processing software is that it helps employees work efficiently and accurately since it improves overall speed of preparing documents and letters, suggests automatic corrections, corrects wrong spelling, and reduces errors. The most popular and commonly used word processing software is MS Office by Microsoft. LibreOffice and Corel WordPerfect are some other examples.



Buying the right office furniture makes your office look professional. It has to be comfortable and easily accessible for all staff and customers. Since employees feel more comfortable working in a pleasant environment, choosing and installing the right office furniture helps increase their morale and productivity, thereby increasing their efficiency and productivity. Here is an office furniture list that is a must for all offices.


Office Table and Office Desk - Improperly configured workspaces have led to a lot of physical injuries to the back, neck, shoulder, joints, muscles, etc. That is why office desks and tables are important office equipment that has an effect on efficiency and productivity of employees. Comfortable office tables and desks configured properly can contribute to an optimal work environment for the office staff.


Office Chair - Comfort and ergonomics are two things to be kept in mind when deciding on office chairs. A chair with a good backrest, headrest, and adjustable seat is the safest option. The body feels much better and comfortable when sitting in its natural position. With an ergonomic and comfortable chair, employees can sit for long hours without worrying about their posture.


Cupboard - Cupboards are useful office equipment and is always included in any office furniture list as they allow storage and maintenance of files and documents and avoid clutter. There are different kinds of cupboards designed to meet the storage requirement of different types of workplaces. These cupboards help to maintain files in an organized manner, while utilizing storage space.


Tips to Consider While Choosing Furniture

Office furniture has to be more formal, reasonably priced, and of good quality since it is a long term investment. Given the investment required, it is pertinent to choose the right piece of furniture. Below are a few tips to consider when selecting the appropriate office furniture list.


Cost - Before buying any office equipment like furniture, it is essential to do the costing well and ensure you get value for your money. Breakdown the costs of various furniture like chairs, tables, desks, and other office furniture. Arrive at a decision of how many pieces of furniture of what type is essential based on the size of your office and the number of employees working in your office.


Design - When referring to the design of any office equipment, we look at the perfect fit for the space, the height, width, and also how it coordinates with the office decor.


Durability - One of the most important aspects when choosing office furniture is its durability. Since it is a long-term investment, you don’t want any furniture that has to be replaced due to quality issues. Most offices do a thorough research on the durability and strength of the furniture as it has to last a long time.


Safety - Safety is one important aspect that businesses take seriously when choosing furniture of the office. Furniture with glass tops or sharply designed are avoided by businesses because they are relatively unsafe than others.


Internet Connection

A good internet connection is a necessity for every working space. Almost all the work takes place online. Therefore, every business has to ensure that their internet connection is stable, fast, and reachable to every nook and corner of their office. However, it can be challenging to do so. But we’ve got some basic tips that will help you in finding the right networking devices for a stable internet connection.


Router - While choosing a router, first you need to understand your requirements such as your office space, number of employees, speed, and time. The most common features you need to look for in a router are speed, number of users, range, and security.


Cables - Selection of appropriate cables needs under requirements, knowledge, and additional help. However, there are a few important factors that cannot be overlooked like, installation (location), construction (conductors, insulators, and arrangement), operation (voltage and current), size, and shielding agents.


Lab cables - There is a wide variety of lab cables to choose from for your office equipment. Again, you need to understand the requirements. However, choosing them is easier than detangling them. If this issue is avoided you might not know which wire connects what.


Telephone Systems

Telephone - Telephone systems are important office equipment that refers to a network of hardware or software-based phones enabling complex communication functions in the office. Mainly there are three types of telephone systems for office- Legacy Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), PBX Phone Systems, and VoIP Phone System.


Fax - Fax machine still persists to be a necessary office equipment. Primarily because it's a super secure way of sending and receiving information. The two key factors to consider while choosing these are location of the fax machine and the frequency of its usage.


Printers and Photocopiers

An office equipment list is incomplete without printers and photocopiers. Every day you will have dozens of print outs required for various purposes. And you cannot afford to be stuck with defective ones.


Printer - A printer can be used just for printing or multitasking. There are different types of printers available to choose from as per your needs like an inkjet, laser, or digital printer. Benefit of a digital one is that you can print wirelessly from anywhere.


Photocopiers - It's always a good idea to buy or rent a photocopier for your office. Businesses need to consider the copy volume and copy speed while choosing the best one.


Storage Office Equipment

With the amount of data that the office deals with on a regular basis, it's obvious that it needs a lot of storage. In recent years, online data has surpassed the traditional methods. Therefore, you need equipment for physical as well as virtual storage.


Storage Racks - Storage racks are a great way of storing your files. It helps the files be organized and takes less space. Depending on the space and requirement you can choose different types of shelving like open file shelving, mobile shelving, and rotary cabinets. But you need to make sure they are strong and reliable.


External Hard disks - External hard disk offers portable and extra storage on the go. In case your hard disk is damaged you can lose all your data. Therefore, you also need to have back up on your external hard disk.


USB Flash Disks - USB flash disks are small portable devices using a USB interface to connect to a computer. Liek memory cards, they are removable and rewritable. They are also an excellent option for storing your files.


Office equipment for Collaboration

The purpose of collaboration tools is to share information with other employees. They play an important role in the business meetings and for teams to collaborate for projects, as well as spreading awareness in the workspace.


Office Boards - They can be used in a number of places to act as notice boards for sharing information, notes, quotes, photos, and much more. The style and size are the two key factors to keep in mind when buying one.


White Board - They come very handy in meetings or while explaining things in general. They are easy to use and rewritable. In case you want a lighter option, you can choose white board sheets, which can be pasted on the walls.


Projectors - Presentations are now an essential part of meetings, and so are projectors. For this, you need to consider the size of the room and quality of viewing. For business meetings, a standard projector with medium quality viewing is sufficient.


TV - A TV can be an office board, white, projector, and so much more. It can also be an excellent option for your entertainment and leisure. While choosing a TV consider the size, resolution, purpose, and features of the TV. You can get a standard one or a multi-tasker with internet access and applications.


Bulletin Boards - A bulletin board often called a pin board is another way of sharing information and photos. Before buying one measure your space, choose the surface type, and consider the warranty.

Bulletin Boards

Kitchen Supplies

Employees spend a maximum amount of time in their office, it becomes their second home. Hence office appliances with basic kitchen supplies are a must.


Coffee Machine - A cup of coffee in between work or while brainstorming ideas for projects is a great way to take your mind off. A coffee machine has become an essential part of office appliances. Hence, depending upon the needs of your employees, you can install the best office coffee machines that serve the purpose.


Cups and Mugs - If your office has installed a coffee machine, having cups and mugs is a no-brainer. Be it a cup of water or instant tea or coffee, mugs and cups come in handy for any office and are a must-have kitchen supply for your office.


Cutlery - A lot of employees prefer having their food in plates instead of the tiffin. Offices should have basic cutlery like plates, spoons, forks, and bowls. This too depends on the size, preference, and budget. The name or design of the company can be imprinted on the cutlery items.


Water dispenser – Water dispenser sits at the top of the list of office appliances. Choosing the right water dispenser mainly depends on the number of people in the office. It further depends on the space, style, preference (hot or cold), and the number of taps you want in your water dispenser.


Office Equipment for Waste and Recycling

While there are a lot of productive things going on in the office, there’s also a lot of waste created. It includes rough notes, wrong prints, paper cups, remains from cutting, and so on. Therefore, it is important to find a way to handle this waste.


Paper Shredder - This is the best option to get rid of your unnecessary documents or printouts. It is super easy to use and saves you time. On the basis of your budget and the waste created daily you can get a small one or a big one.

Paper Shredder

Cleaning Supplies

A clean and well-maintained office creates a great first impression for anyone who walks in. Moreover, the employees will always feel good to work in a clean and sanitary environment. There are a few cleaning supplies necessary for the same.


Stain and Spot remover - This is a simple and easy way to quickly get rid of stains. These are good for removing ink, tea, coffee, wine, and common types of stains. Therefore, it is quite handy in the office.


Bucket - A bucket and a mop is required for everyday cleaning of the premises. A standard sized bucket is quite cheap and can be used for multiple things. You can also use different colored buckets for different purposes.


Broom - We cannot avoid adding a broom to this list. There are different types of brooms available as per your need. Example, cleaning the floor, cleaning the balcony, or cleaning the upper corner of walls. They are also budget friendly.


Brush - A brush is another cleaning essential which can be used for multiple purposes. You can choose a decent brush with minimal cost depending on the needs. Example, heavy duty brushes for kitchen and bathroom, long ones for ceiling, or regular dusting.


Dish Soap - We previously mentioned the kitchen supplies, but for cleaning those you need dish soap. Dish soaps come in a wide variety and there are a lot of options to choose from. Primarily there are two options: liquid soap and bar soap.


Disinfecting wipes - In the Covid times we all understood the importance of disinfecting our surroundings. Disinfecting wipes are easy to use, quick, and affordable. Here also there are a wide range of wipes from different brands to choose from.


Sanitizer - Sanitizers continue to be important for everyone, especially in a public space including offices. There are many brands to choose from. It is recommended that offices have sanitizers placed at the entrance and reception or they can opt for sanitizer stands.


First Aid Kit

A well-stocked first-aid kit is an essential for every office. When there are so many people working in the office it is better to be prepared for an emergency situation.


Gauze Pads - These are helpful in cleaning and covering wounds such as cuts, scrapes, and minor burns. It is ideal to have a small pack of 50 soft gauze pads in every first aid kit.


Bandage - The most common types of bandages include adhesive bandages, roller bandages, and compressive bandages. However, the adhesive bandages are the most important among these. It is suggested that you should have around 25 adhesive bandages in your first aid kit.


Scissors - Scissors are used for multiple purposes, the most common being cutting bandages. It is advisable to have a small pair of scissors in your first aid kit.


Adhesive tape - It is also referred to as the surgical tape or medical tape. The standard size to have in your first aid kit is 10 yards x 1 inch. You also get the waterproof versions of the same.


Antiseptic Liquid - It is used for cleaning the wounds, before applying any cream or bandage. The antiseptic liquid comes in a variety of sizes. However it is ideal to have a 50 ml bottle in your first aid kit.


Security Office Equipment

Providing your employees safety and security is among the primary duties of any business or employer. Necessary precautions such as hiring security guards, installing CCTV, and offering lockers should be taken into consideration.


CCTV - Looking for the best security camera can be a difficult task, because if you get one it should be reliable. You should have a 1080p Full HD CCTV, which focuses on a single angle or on every angle- 360°. You can also choose a wireless one to save the installation hassle.


Keyless Locks - These have been proven to be more secure and reliable. They are also quite difficult to hack. Therefore, it is advisable to have a smart keyless lock to provide better protection to your employees.


Digital locker - Employees keep many personal belongings in their office. A digital locker ensures better security for their personal or professional items. Other than that, Digital lockers are very useful to store important, confidential and legal office documents and even petty cash.



Different types of office equipment are necessary for your business. However, choosing and buying them can be a hassle. But don’t you worry. We’ve given you some tips regarding the basic office equipment and Amazon Business offers a wide range of products to choose from.



  • Office supplies are a part of expenses, but office equipment is a part of the fixed assets. Expenses need to be taken care of on a monthly or quarterly basis. In other words, they're recurring in nature. In contrast, the assets are a long-time investment. For example, a first aid kit box is a piece of office equipment (fixed asset), but items such as bandages, creams, antiseptics, and more are office supplies (expenses).

  • Section 179 of the IRS tax code enables companies to deduct the entire purchase price of any qualifying equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the tax year. Hence, if businesses buy or lease any qualifying equipment, they can deduct the total purchase price from their gross income.

  • Below are the steps to accurately do your office inventory:

    1. Prepare an inventory log
    2. Count your inventory or items
    3. Organize your supplies by grouping them
    4. Create a master list or map for your inventory
    5. Find your Recorder levels i.e. how fast commodities are used
    6. Record Supply Purchases
    7. Limit Inventory Room Access - Giving access to many people can create a blunder
  • Below are the steps to maintain office stationery stock:

    1. Prepare the existing office stationery items list
    2. Group your items. For example, pens, pencils, staplers, sticky notes, etc
    3. Create a master list or map for your stationery
    4. Find your Recorder levels i.e. how fast stationery is being used
    5. Record Supply Purchases
    6. Limit Inventory Room Access - Giving access to many people can create a blunder
    7. Check the stock before placing any new order
  • No office celebration items are not considered office equipment. They can be regarded as office expenses.

  • No gifting items are not considered office equipment. They can be regarded as office expenses.

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