Small Business Ideas From Home

Top Small Business Ideas from Home in India that you can Start

Discover 25 lucrative business ideas to start from home with Amazon Business. Explore these small business ideas entrepreneurial journey from home today!

Need some profitable home business ideas on how to start a business from home? You've come to the right place. India is full of entrepreneurs who have found success with their at-home businesses, and there's no reason why you can't be one of them. Here are some small business ideas from home that you can start right away in India.


To set up a business easily, register with Amazon Business today!


What is a Home-Based Business?

A home-based business is any small business that can be run from the comfort of your own home. This type of business is becoming increasingly popular, offering many advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.


Of course, home-based business ideas are not without their challenges. You'll need to be well organized and self-motivated and put in the hard work required to build a clientele. But if you're willing to put in the effort, profitable home business ideas can be a great way to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.


Get a full overview of businesses to start from home.


What Makes a Good Home-Based Business?     

So, you want to be your own boss, huh? You've got the entrepreneurial itch and ready for businesses to start from home, right? But what makes a good home-based business? Well, first of all, you've got to have some of the best home business ideas. These should be the list of some of the profitable businesses to start from home.


Something that solves a problem or meets a need that people have. And it's got to be something you're passionate about - because, let's face it, running your own online business from home is a lot of work! Once you've got your great idea, you'll need a few other things to get started.


A good online business from home should be affordable to start - so you don't go into debt just to get things off the ground. And it should be scalable, so you can grow it as big as you want.


Advantages of Small Business From Home     

There are many advantages to small businesses from home.

  • It can be a great way to save money on office space. If you have a small business, you may not need a physical location to run it out.
  • Online business ideas from home often have lower overhead costs than traditional businesses. This means you can keep more of your profits and use them to reinvest in your business or pay yourself a higher salary.
  • Also, online business ideas from home offer a great deal of flexibility. You can often set your own hours and work around your family's schedule. This can be a great perk for busy parents or caregivers.


Overall, small businesses from home offer many benefits that make them worth considering for entrepreneurs of all types.


How to Start a Home Business at Home?       

Starting a small business from home is a great way to get your feet wet in the world of entrepreneurship. And it doesn't have to be complicated or expensive to get started. Here are a few simple ideas to get you started:


1. Do you have a skill or passion that you could turn into a business? From dog walking to cake decorating, many small businesses can run from home with just a little effort.


2. Have you considered starting an online business? This is one of the profitable small business ideas from home. With the internet, the sky's the limit when it comes to possibilities. You could sell products or services or even just share your thoughts and ideas with the world.


3. Are you crafty? Home businesses that involve crafting can be quite profitable, especially if you're selling unique items that you've made yourself. From jewellery to woodworking, there are many options for those who are creative and handy.


Starting a small business from home is a great way to test the waters of entrepreneurship without making a major commitment. And with a little bit of creativity and effort, it can be very successful. So why not give it a try?


25 Small Business Ideas From Home

Here are some small business ideas from home to consider. Keep on reading to find out more.       


1. Dropshipping        

Dropshipping is a low-risk and low-cost way to start an online business, and it's perfect for small businesses because it doesn't require a large investment of time or money. You can also run your dropshipping business in your spare time, saving you the hassle of inventory management. Plus, with dropshipping, you can start selling products immediately without any upfront inventory costs. This is one of the unique small business ideas from home.


2. Home Bakery

Home Bakery

Baking delicious treats from the comfort of your own home sound like a dream come true for many people. You get to eat scrumptious goodies all day, and you also get to be your own boss and work your own hours. And with the recent surge in the popularity of small businesses, now is the perfect time to start your own home bakery.


Check out our pantry products for your home bakery ingredients.


1. Making Handicrafts & Selling them Online      

You might be thinking, "That's not a real business idea. Anyone can make a craft and sell it online." And you're right anyone can. But that's the beauty of it. Handicrafts are unique, one-of-a-kind items that are perfect for small businesses. And with the rise of the internet, selling handmade goods online has never been easier. Surely, this is one of the most profitable small business ideas from home. But remember to pay extra attention to packaging. Tap into our pool of packaging supplies to aid your business.


4. Jewellery Making  

Jewellery making is a great option if you're looking for one of the profitable small business ideas from home. Not only is it a fun and creative activity, but it can also be quite lucrative. There are numerous ways to get started in the business, from setting up an online store to selling your wares at local craft fairs.


5. Purchase products in bulk and sell them online

When it comes to small business ideas from home, few are as simple and straightforward as selling products in bulk online. After all, what could be easier than finding a great deal on a product you love and then selling it to others at a profit?


There are many reasons why this is one of the successful home based business ideas. For one, you can take advantage of economies of scale by buying in bulk, i.e., you can get a lower per-unit price on the products you're selling, allowing you to undercut your competition and still make a profit.


Another benefit of this business model is that it's relatively easy to set up and get started. All you need is a computer and an internet connection, and you're good to go with this one of the top-ranking small business ideas from home.       


6. Sell digital products online    

Sure, big businesses make the big bucks. But small businesses? They can make big profits if you get started with the right one. There are many reasons why selling digital products online is one of the best small business ideas from home. For one, you don't need to invest in inventory or inventory management.


And since digital products are easy to duplicate and distribute, you can scale your business quickly and without incurring high additional costs.


7. Candle Making Business

Candles are one of the best small business ideas from home. They're relatively inexpensive to make. You can also get pretty creative with them, making them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. What's more, people love candles! They're perfect for setting the mood or just making a room smell nice.      


8. Makeup Artist       

There are plenty of small business ideas from home, but few are as well suited to the task as makeup artists. For starters, it's a relatively low-cost business to set up, especially if you already have some of the necessary equipment.


There's a built-in clientele for makeup artists, as everyone needs to look their best for special occasions. And with the power of social media, it's easier than ever to reach potential clients and promote your business.


You can find some of the top quality beauty products here.


Excited about more small business ideas from home? Keep on reading.


9. Soap Making Business

Soap Making Business

Looking for some home based business ideas? Why not try your hand at soap making? Soap making is a fun and creative hobby that can be turned into a profitable business venture.


Not only is soap making relatively easy to learn, but there is also a growing demand for handmade, natural soaps. With a little bit of elbow grease and little creativity, you can turn your soap making hobby into a successful small business. Keep your work station clean with our cleaning products and let the creativity flow.  


10. Personal Trainer 

As more and more people become health-conscious, the demand for personal trainers is on the rise. And what better way to start your own small business than from the comfort of your own home?


As a personal trainer, you can set your own hours, choose your own clients, and design your own workouts. Plus, you don't need a lot of expensive equipment to get started - a few dumbbells and a yoga mat are all you need to get started.


Get started with your own mini gym with these cool gym equipments.


11. Selling Clothes Online

One of the great things about work from home business ideas is that you can start small and grow at your own pace. And what could be more ideal for starting small than selling clothes online?


Not only is it a relatively low-cost business to set up, but you can also reach a global audience with very little effort. In fact, setting up an online store is often easier and less expensive than opening a brick-and-mortar shop. And there's no need to worry about inventory or shipping costs—you can drop ship directly to your customers from various suppliers.


12. Hair Stylist  

Starting a hair styling business from home is a great way to break into the industry without any overhead costs. You only need a small space to work in, some basic equipment, and a few clients to get started. And with the rising popularity of at-home beauty services, there's never been a better time to start your own small business from home.


13. Blogger


Blogging is one of the passionate small business ideas from home. It is a flexible way to make money and allows you to share your passions and ideas with the world.


In order to be successful, however, you need to put in the work. That means regularly coming up with fresh content, promoting your blog through social media and other channels, and building a loyal following. It's one of the best work from home business ideas to implement if you love writing and got a knack for storytelling.


14. Social Media Marketer

Starting a small business from home can be a great way to get your feet wet in the world of entrepreneurship. And if you're looking for inspiration, social media marketing is a great place to start. Here are just a few reasons why social media marketing is a good business idea to start from home:


  • It is relatively low-cost and low-risk. You don't need to invest in expensive advertising or office space.
  • Social media marketing is great for reaching out to potential customers and building relationships with them. You can connect with people from all over the world and do it all from the comfort of your own home.
  • Finally, it is a great way to get started in the world of online marketing.


15. Virtual Assistant

Another small business ideas from home could be becoming a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants provide a wide range of services, including administrative support, customer service, and social media management.


To be successful as a virtual assistant, you'll need to be organized, detail-oriented, and good at communicating with clients. If you have these skills and are looking for a flexible and rewarding way to earn a living, then becoming a virtual assistant is one of the best small business ideas from home.


16. Online Tutor

As anyone who has ever struggled through a tough math problem or tricky grammar lesson knows, sometimes a little help can make all the difference. That's where online tutoring comes in.


Online tutors can help students of all ages overcome learning challenges and achieve their academic goals by providing personalised attention and customised lesson plans. And for enterprising individuals with a passion for teaching, starting an online tutoring business can be a great way to earn a living from home.


17. Print-on Demand Business  

Print on demand is a great option for small business ideas from home. Print on demand allows you to create and sell custom products without carrying any inventory. It's a low-risk, high-reward business idea, which is definitely worth considering.


18. Selling Mobile & Laptop Accessories Online

These days, almost everyone has a mobile phone or laptop. And, as any gadget lover knows, there are a lot of accessories out there to choose from. There is a huge market for mobile and laptop accessories, from cases and covers to chargers and headphones. If you're looking for great small business ideas from home, selling mobile and laptop accessories is a great option.


You can find some awesome mobile accessories on our online store.


19. Yoga Instructor

Yoga has been around for centuries and is known for its many health benefits. From improving flexibility to reducing stress, there are many reasons why people practice yoga. As a result, yoga instruction is one of the best work from home business ideas. Not only is it a relatively low-cost business to start, but it also has the potential to be quite profitable.           


20. Graphic Designing

When it comes to small business ideas from home, graphic design is a great option. For one thing, it's a relatively low-cost business to set up. All you really need is a computer and some basic software. Plus, there's a growing demand for graphic designers, as businesses of all kinds look to spruce up their online presence. But beyond that, graphic design is also a great way to flex your creative muscles. (If you don't own one, here's a buying guide to picking the best laptop.)


21. Art & Craft Teaching

Why not turn it into a business if you have a passion for art and craft? Art & craft teaching is a great way to earn a living from home, and there are plenty of small business ideas from home to choose from. Whether you want to teach kids or adults, there's a demand for art and craft classes. You can even specialize in a particular type of art or craft, such as painting, sewing, or jewellery making.  Register with Amazon Business and check our arts & craft supply for your business.


22. Home-Based Floral Service  

Home-based floral service is a great small business idea for those who love flowers and have a flair for arranging them in beautiful bouquets. Not only is it a relatively easy business to start, but it can also be quite profitable.


The key to success is to build up a loyal clientele who appreciate your artistry and are willing to pay for your services. Some ways to market your home-based floral business include setting up a website, exhibiting at local craft fairs, and participating in community events.


23. Seller of Collectibles    

Starting a small business from home can be a great way to get your feet wet in the entrepreneurial world. And if you're passionate about collecting things, then starting a small business as a collectables seller is a great option.


You get to indulge your passion and share it with others interested in collecting items. Furthermore, there's a wide range of collectibles that you can sell, from coins and stamps to action figures and dolls. So, whether you're a die-hard Star Wars fan or a lover of all things vintage, there's sure to be a market for your wares.


24. Copywriter  

Are you looking for small business ideas from home? Then you might want to consider copywriting. Copywriting is all about writing engaging, persuasive, and interesting text that can be used in marketing materials.


Creativity is a great way to help businesses promote their products or services. Plus, it's a relatively easy business to start from home, and you can often work on a freelance basis.


25. Gift Basket Arranger

Gift Basket Arranger


Nowadays, everyone is looking for small business ideas from home. And who can blame them? Starting a small business is a great way to earn extra income, and with the internet, it's easier than ever to get your business running.


But if you're looking for unique small business ideas from home, you might consider gift basket arranging. Gift baskets are always in demand, and you can put together some truly unique arrangements with a little creativity.


Are you impressed with our list of small business ideas from home?


How can Amazon Business Help with Your Home-Based Business Ideas?


You're sitting at your kitchen table, brainstorming small business ideas from home. You've always wanted to be your own boss, and now you think you might have what it takes to make it happen. But where do you even start?


If you're selling products, one of the first things you'll need to do is set up an online store. And there's no better procurement solution for small businesses than Amazon Business.


Setting up an Amazon Business account is the perfect way to get your home-based business up and running. You will get electronics items, printers, projectors, water purifiers, vacuum cleaners, furniture, office supplies, etc., and every operational need for your business will be met at Amazon Business. With our bulk discount, great deals, and doorstep delivery, we make business shopping easy and convenient.


Of course, there's more to starting a small business than just setting up an online store. You'll also need to create a marketing plan, build a customer base, and figure out how to keep your business running smoothly day-to-day.


But with Amazon Business by your side, you will have the resources to successfully expand your business. So, what are you waiting for?


Start brainstorming those small business ideas from home—your new life as a small business owner awaits!          




We have presented 25 small business ideas from home in India to test your entrepreneurial drive. These businesses can be started with little to no investment and are perfect for anyone who wants to be their own boss.


Also, with Amazon Business, getting the supplies and equipment you need to get your business up and running is easy. So what are you waiting for? Register with Amazon Business today and start turning your passion into profit!      




  • The answer, unfortunately, is that it depends. Home based businesses are subject to the same regulations as other businesses, so you need to check with your local government to see what permits and licenses you might need.


    In some cases, you may also need to file for a zoning permit if your home isn't already zoned for commercial activity. So, while there's no one-size-fits-all answer to whether you need to register your home-based business, it's best to be on the side of caution and check with your local authorities to be sure.

  • While it may be difficult to imagine starting a business from the comfort of your home, it is quite easy. Yes, there are many easy businesses to start from home. With a little creativity and hard work, you can turn your small home-based business into a thriving enterprise.


    The first step is to develop some small business ideas from home. You need to be careful here since they should be easy businesses to start from home. This can be something as simple as starting a blog or an online store. Once you have the best home business ideas, the next step is creating a plan and putting your ideas into action.


    While many challenges come with starting a small business, it is possible to succeed if you are willing to put in the effort.      

  • If you want to venture into small businesses to start from home, there are a few things you'll need to take into account before you get started:

    · Make sure you have a dedicated workspace set up in your home. This can be a spare room or even just a corner of your living room, where you can work without interruption.

    · Ensure a stable internet connection; after all, your business will be online, so you'll need to be able to connect with clients and customers easily.

    · Have basic business supplies, like a computer, printer, and phone. successful home business!        

  • Small business ideas from home are operated in a variety of ways. Some people work from home full-time, while others only do it part-time. There are different business models to adopt in work-from-home business ideas.


    For example, some people sell products online, while others offer services such as consulting or coaching. No matter how a home business is operated, there are a few things that successful home businesses have in common.

    · Work from home businesses requires hard work and dedication.

    · A clear vision and goal are a must

    · Adapting and changing with times is necessary.      

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