Cost management strategies

Effective Cost Management Strategies & Types of Business Decisions

Learn the effective cost management strategies and their advantages for your business. Also, explore various types and steps involved in business decisions.

Cost management strategies are crucial to any business, whether micro, medium, or even large enterprises. Minimizing cost and maximizing productivity is the dream scenario for any business owner, entrepreneur, or store owner. With the appropriate cost management strategy, your business could function seamlessly without any financial glitches. This blog is dedicated to highlighting effective cost management strategies by understanding its need, techniques, advantages, how to create a cost management system, and why business decisions are important.

Let's begin with what cost management strategy means.


What is a Cost Management Strategy?

A cost management strategy is a method or technique used to boost the strategic position of the business. Cost management strategy involves cost or budget control, cost estimation, and budgeting. A cost management system involves bifurcating the expense or cost that builds the strategic position from the ones that weaken it.


Need for Cost Management

Is a cost management system necessary? Why do businesses need to have a cost management strategy? The need for strategic cost management will help answer these questions better.


A cost management strategy is needed because:

  • It helps in determining the price of goods and services provided, as the price informs the profit or loss made from business transactions
  • It helps to maintain the strategic position of an enterprise in this highly competitive market
  • Helps in better implementation, monitoring, and management of a projects
  • Helps in reducing cost-overruns, money wastage, and unexpected costs to the company or business
  • Contributes financial management and budget visibility improving company's/businesses' decision-making strategy  
  • Cost management is important for business decision-making


Factors affecting Cost Management

Cost management strategy is not constant; it evolves, shifts, and changes with time and other factors. Some of the key factors impacting the cost management strategy for any company, enterprise, or business include:

Factors affecting Cost Management

Cost management techniques

Now the next obvious question is how to come up with an effective cost management strategy? We have the solution right here. Here are some tries out cost management techniques for strategic cost management:


Start with strategy

The core of any cost management technique lies in its strategy. Your cost management strategy should align with the project's strategy and expected outcome. Huddle up with your team members, project managers, and SMEs to decide the project implementation strategy. Consider the following for your project strategy:

  • Project goals
  • Project scope
  • Milestones
  • Budget


Work Breakdown

The work breakdown would enhance the clarity of task-based project implementations. How the project will be divided into sub-parts and tasks assigned, manpower required, the time required, deliveries scheduled, etc. A clear work breakdown is required for resource and budget planning.  


Resource Planning

Resource planning is a vital part of cost management strategy. Before taking up a business or project from any client, thorough resource planning is essential for a work-breakdown model. How the task allocation will take place, minimizing the cost, the money required to pull off the project, whether you need to hire freelancers, etc.


Risk Management

Risk management is a good technique to plan an effective cost management strategy. Conduct a thorough risk analysis to enhance your decision-making strategies directly impacting the project implementation. Risk and unpreceded situations are bound to arise, and how cost control and budget planning in those situations inform the cost management strategies.


Plan for the unexpected

A time-tested cost management technique is being ready for the unexpected. Always set aside a fund for contingencies and emergencies to tackle the unexcepted turn of events in any projects. Having a little cash cushion will soften the blow during trying times like risky business decisions, projects shut down, or disasters.


Reduce fixed expenses

Although it's difficult, reducing fixed expenses is another cost management technique. For instance, downsizing whenever possible, efficient use of electricity, saving on energy consumption, and outsourcing.


Use a Budget

Create an elaborate cost structure and assign budgets to different projects to control and manage costs. The budget will reflect the amount of money that could be spent on a project and should not go beyond that mark.


What is Included in a Cost Management Plan?

To execute the cost management strategy efficiently, you need a cost management plan that charts out the budget, enabling project managers to allocate resources, estimate costs, and keep a tab on the direct and indirect costs involved in a project(s). An elaborate cost management plan makes business, management, and decision-making strategy easy. A cost management plan includes the following


Measurement units

The measurement units determine the standard used to evaluate or calculate the financial aspects of a project, event, or program. For instance, the currency used varies in different regions.


Precision levels

The precision level is another parameter comprising the cost management plan, and it includes the following:

  • Number rechecks to check the precision of each activity or project
  • Material measurements informing which are acceptable for each portion of the project
  • Deadlines
  • Expectations


Control thresholds

The control threshold ensures the cost control enhancing the project's throughput. And it includes:

  • Budget- Budget management could allocate funds to each project regardless of its status.
  • Safety-Safety expenses control threshold to determine the cost of safety measures.
  • Monetary thresholds- Monetary thresholds alert the management of the expenditure surpassing a certain limit or predicted margin.


Performance measurement rules

Setting up rules to evaluate and assess performance could also entail strategic cost management. Performance-based budget cuts or controls are another way of saving money. A percentage completion method would come in handy while assessing three parts of the project, i.e., the pre-project, halfway-project and whole project cost.


Reporting formats

Reporting format streamlines the means of communication and how team members across teams or departments report their daily activities. Reporting document integrates the team and makes business and management decisions easy.


How to create an Effective Cost Management Strategy for Your Business?

Coming up with an effective cost management strategy requires a proper assessment of the financial aspects of your business and figuring out the scope for cost control, regulation and management. These pointers will help you make an effective cost management strategy:

How to create an Effective Cost Management Strategy for Your Business?

Advantages of Cost Management Strategies

Cost management strategies are beneficial in many ways because it:


Lower expenses

Strategic cost management could lower your business expense by extensively assessing and analyzing the company finances and identifying cost overruns, budget overestimations, budget misses, etc.


Predict future expenses

In addition to lowering expenses, a cost management strategy also helps to predict future expenses by considering the involved risks, analyzing expense patterns, and understanding the future needs of the company or business.


Reduce procurement cost

The procurement of goods or services cannot be avoided in any business. Strategic cost management gives a complete idea about the finances and allocated budget for procurement, making the procurement process easy. This way, the procurement cost could be lowered or set according to the financial strength of the company or business. Reshaping the procurement process could aid cost management.


Analyze business positioning

Strategic cost management also aids business positioning. Future procurements and major business decisions making like acquisition and buying are made easy with a reliable cost management strategy.


Helps in analyzing future market trends

Cost management strategy also helps assess future market trends by studying the budget requirements, money investments, and cost of products or services in the present market.


What is a Business Decision?

A business decision is crucial to the functioning of any company or business. Business decisions are made to stratify and determine the company's short-term, long-term goals, or daily activities. A wrong business decision could easily break a company; similarly, the right decision could uplift your company to great heights. For instance, Jio was a game-changer in the Telecom Industry, making internet and calling affordable to all.


Why it's Important to Think Through a Business Decision?

Thinking through the business decision is relevant because it impacts the present and future of a business or company. The daily operations and long-term/ short-term business goals determine the success or failure of a business or company. Thinking through the business decision is important because it:


Influences the longevity of the company

Business decisions reflecting a good decision-making strategy could improve a company's productivity and evolution. How a company react to success or change is also dependent on the business decision.


Enhances profitability

Business decisions could also increase a company's profitability by initiating new product launches, sale initiatives, marketing strategies, and revenue structuring.


Affects successful hiring activities

The right business decision made while hiring skilled personnel and identifying the right person for the role improves the hiring activities. Providing skill-enhancing training sessions, diverse project opportunities, and new opportunities improves employee retention.


Conveys your professionalism

Your professionalism is visible through the kind of business decision. Thinking through business decisions reflects your ability to make the right decision at the right time.


Types of Business Decisions

Business professionals, team leaders, and CEOs make different decisions daily to maintain the overall health and functioning of a company or business. Let's get acquitted with these decisions:


Strategic decisions

Strategic business decisions are made to attain the company's long-term goals through short-term goals. It includes decisions like refining the hiring criteria and onboarding procedure, investing in a new product launch strategy or sales approach expansion, etc. A strategic business decision helps to reach a future goal.


Tactical decisions

Tactical business decisions fall under the purview of strategic business design. They are made to fulfil medium-term goals, usually lasting from a period of a month to a year. Some examples of tactical business decisions include reorganizing departments, modifications in work schedules, or product price changing.


Operational decisions

Operational decisions are made daily by employees, ensuring the successful completion of tasks and activities assigned. An operational business decision includes product inventory, customer orders or shipping needs, departmental organization, department budgets or sales and marketing initiatives.


Financial decisions

Financial business decisions imbibe all such decisions facilitating the company's financial status. This involves activities like budget distribution, investment opportunities, promotions or money set aside for roles, manufacturing costs, etc.


Business structure decisions

Business structure is fundamental to support the operation of any business or company. This structure changes with time after being in the running for a while. Business structure decisions include any decision made in the direction of the company's legal aspect like LLC, partnership, or proprietorships.


Business policy decisions

Business policy business decisions represent any call made in the direction of employee perks, leave policy, internal HR policies, and other company policies impacting employee welfare and customer relationship. Finetune your team-building process and activities for better employee interaction and integration.


Technology decision

Any call made in the direction of improving, modifying or adapting technology across teams, departments, or overall growth of the company comprises technological business decisions.

For instance, trying new HR or communication software, upgrading the company database, upgrading office equipment, etc.


5 Steps of Decision-Making

Business decisions are crucial as they directly impact a business or company's future, functioning, and operations. Having a good decision-making strategy is highly relevant. Here are five steps of the decision-making process:

5 Steps of Decision-Making

Relationship between Cost Management and Decision-Making Strategies

The general theorey is that businesses that do not have an appropriate strategy fail to manage costs effectively. Cost Management and decision-making have a vital role to play in enhancing business performance. Prudent cost analysis helps businesses to determine the total cost and thereby allow their clients to anticipate their invoices. An effective cost management strategy helps businesses to keep track of their budget and propel the drive for excellent value at lower costs. This ensures that projects are completed within the decided timeline in sync with the set goals and budget.



Cost management strategy and business decision are closely related to one another as one informs the other. Effective cost management ensures the present and future of your company. The need for financial planning, budgeting, cost control, and assessment is crucial for any cost management strategy to play out. With the right cost management system and cost management techniques, decision-making problems could be prevented from hindering goal attainment.


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    Decision-making problems arise due to mistakes made during the decision-making process. Some of the common mistakes include the following:


    • Holding out for long
    • Rushing the decision-making process
    • Residing heavily on intuition
    • Being too rigid and showing no flexibility
    • Not following up
    • Paying less attention to the consequences

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