What is the difference between wholesaler and retailer?

Key Differences Between Wholesalers and Retailers: Demystifying Distribution

How does Wholesale and Retail businesses differ from each other? Amazon Business helps to let you know the entire retail vs wholesale ecosystem.

In today's fast-paced world of commerce, entrepreneurs frequently have to choose between retail and wholesale business models. Every route has unique prospects and obstacles, influencing the course of a business's prosperity. Understanding the difference between retail and wholesale is crucial for prospective entrepreneurs looking to carve out a position in the industry.

In this blog, we will highlight the difference between retail and wholesale and offer advice to assist entrepreneurs in choosing the best course for their endeavors.

Read on to know more.

Know the Difference

Let’s get into the specifics and discover how retail and wholesale setups are different. This knowledge will be handy while tracking down suppliers, retailers, or even wholesalers for your current business and future business aspirations.

What is Wholesale & Who is a Wholesaler?

wholesale and wholesaler

Wholesale means buying products in bulk from producers or distributors and reselling them to retailers or other companies for their use or resale.


A business that works in the wholesale market is known as a wholesaler. Wholesalers purchase large quantities of goods at discounted prices from suppliers and benefit from selling items to retailers at a higher price while maintaining a lower cost per unit than retail rates.


By serving as a middleman between distributors or producers and retailers, wholesalers enable the larger-scale distribution of goods. They buy things from suppliers in bulk and then resell them to retailers in smaller amounts so that the retailers can resell the goods to customers. Check out some of the most profitable wholesale business ideas if you are looking to start one.


What is Retail & Who is a Retailer?

retail and retailer

Retail refers to the process of selling products or services to customers for their personal use or consumption. It deals with the last phase of the distribution process when goods are sold directly to customers or end users through various channels such as physical storefronts, online shops, or catalogs sent by mail.


A company that works in the retail industry is called a retailer. Retailers buy products in bulk from manufacturers, distributors, or wholesalers and resell them to individual customers in smaller amounts for a premium. As intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers, retailers play a critical role in the supply chain by giving customers access to many goods and services at handy locations.


Retailers can run their businesses using a variety of platforms, such as pop-up shops, mobile apps, e-commerce websites, physical stores, and vending machines. They might offer a wide variety of products to satisfy a range of customer interests or specialize in particular product categories like apparel, electronics, groceries, or household goods.


Target Market: Whom do they sell?



Wholesalers primarily target businesses, retailers,
or other organizations rather than individual consumers.

Retailers focus on individual customers or end users who
buy products or services for their consumption or usage.

Their target market includes retailers, small businesses,
e-commerce platforms, institutional buyers (such as schools
or hospitals), manufacturers, dropshipping business, and
other wholesalers.

The target market includes customers with a wide range of
demographics (age, gender, income level), psychographics
(lifestyle, preferences), geographic location, and behavioral
traits (shopping habits, brand loyalty).

Wholesalers focus on selling goods in bulk quantities to
their customers, offering discounted prices for purchasing
large volumes.

Retailers use a carefully chosen product assortment,
individualized shopping experiences, competitive pricing,
easily accessible locations, and value-added services to
target and attract particular consumer categories.

They often serve as intermediaries between producers
and retailers, providing a convenient one-stop solution
for retailers to source a wide range of products.

They tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings
to appeal to their target audience's preferences and needs,
aiming to maximize sales and build customer loyalty.

Business Nature: Bulk Selling Vs Consumer Selling

Another factor distinguishing wholesalers and retailers is their nature of business. Wholesale business focuses more on bulk selling becoming the ideal procurement solution for the retailers or suppliers. The retailers, in contrast, are more into consumer selling.

Bulk Selling


bulk selling

●  Sales and Promotions

Distributors have large sales teams that have built ties with many small companies and retailers. Compared to creating and managing their own sales force, these sales teams assist manufacturers in reaching a larger consumer base more effectively and at a lesser cost. Furthermore, wholesalers have an easier time promoting and selling manufacturers' items since manufacturers frequently have greater faith in them than in far-off producers.


●  Bulk Procurement

Buying goods in carload quantities and breaking them into smaller units for resale to retailers and small companies is known as bulk procurement. Wholesalers do this with their purchasing power. Through breaking bulk, they can save their clients' costs while allowing them to buy products in amounts that meet their needs. For instance, buying mobile accessories like back covers, tempered glasses, phone rings, mobile stickers, etc., in bulk is cheaper and more effective.


●  Inventory Management

By keeping product inventories on behalf of producers, wholesalers play a crucial role in inventory management. Holding items in their warehouses contributes to lower inventory costs and risks for suppliers and customers. As wholesalers are closer to the final consumers, they can also provide purchasers with fast and effective delivery.


●  Logistics Solutions

Since they have established logistical networks, wholesalers can transport goods to customers more quickly and dependably. They improve customer happiness and loyalty by utilizing transportation skills to guarantee prompt delivery to retailers and small businesses.


●  Purchasing and Selection

Wholesalers possess the know-how to choose and create customized packages to meet their clients' demands. Wholesalers may save retailers and small companies time and effort by efficiently creating packages or items that match their varied needs by analyzing consumer preferences and market demand.


●  Financial Support and Services

Wholesalers offer suppliers and customers beneficial financial services. Customers can purchase items on credit terms from them because they extend credit to them. Early orders and on-time bill payments can finance suppliers. This financial assistance partly maintains the supply chain's seamless operation.


●  Market Insight and Analysis

For suppliers and customers, wholesalers are a great source of market knowledge. They keep a careful eye on what their rivals are up to, new products introduced in the market, and examine pricing patterns. This intel can help manufacturers and retailers make wise choices and maintain their competitive edge in the market.


●  Risk Management and Assurance

Wholesalers bear some risk by assuming title to the items they buy from manufacturers. This involves paying for losses brought on by spoiling, theft, damage, and obsolescence. By taking these risks, wholesalers build long-lasting connections and give suppliers and customers peace of mind.


●  Other Services

Retailers and businesses can benefit from various management services and guidance wholesalers provide. This entails putting inventory-control systems in place, helping with store layouts and displays, and training sales personnel. Wholesalers also enhance customer performance by offering individualized support and sharing expertise, which promotes mutual success in the marketplace.


Consumer Selling

consumer selling

●  Direct Customer Interaction

Retailers are end customers' main point of contact, facilitating direct communication between manufacturers, wholesalers, and end users.


●  Building Relationships with Customers

There’s a social aspect to retail business with customer relationship building. By helping them shop and offering suggestions aligning with their taste and requirements, gradually a connection or relationship could be built with the consumers.


●  Restricted Inventory Holdings

Compared to producers and wholesalers who normally deal in huge quantities, retailers keep less merchandise to fulfill immediate customer demand. This restrictive inventory tackles storage issues and order placement on a need basis preventing excess inventory.


●  Diverse Product Selection

Retailers choose various products from different brands to meet consumer preferences and market demand. As they deal with different types of consumers with varying needs they house products across categories and brands. From smartphones to artificial jewelry, they could have it all.


●  Customer Feedback Channel

By serving as brand ambassadors, retailers solicit insightful comments and recommendations from clients, fostering dialogue between clients and firms. They act as a feedback channel and help brands to improve their products and services.


●  Shelf Space Constraints

Due to space constraints, retail businesses frequently offer products only on demand and in popularity. They employ tactics like just-in-time inventory to prevent storage issues, as the product selection keeps changing with demand and market.


●  Pricing Dynamics

Retailers selling items directly to customers set the final selling price, representing the product's maximum market worth.

How does Profit Vary in Retail Vs Wholesale?

The profit margin also varies in retail vs wholesale operations. Let’s see how profit-making enhances the difference between wholesalers and retailers.





Pricing Structure

Retail often has larger profit margins per
unit sold. They allow for a markup that
increases profit margins by selling things
at a greater price.

As wholesalers offer merchandise to
retailers in bulk, they have narrower
profit margins.

Sales Volume

Retailers have fewer sales volumes per
transaction because of their greater
margins on each transaction.

Wholesalers have high-volume sales to
turn a profit. They make up for lower profit
margins on individual transactions by
the amount of goods they sell.

Operating Expenses

Retailers have greater operating expenses.
The staffing, marketing, utilities, store rent,
and inventory management affect the
overall profitability of retail businesses.

Wholesalers have less overhead costs as
they operate in environments more like
warehouses and with fewer amenities.


Inventory Management

Profitability in retail operations correlates to
effective inventory management strategies.
Therefore, carrying expenses, spoiling, and
obsolescence are just a few of the issues
retailers frequently deal with.

Purchasing for wholesale happens in bulk
and inventory turnover which reduces the
carrying costs and maximizes efficiency.

Customer Relationship

Retailers can establish trust and offer
customized services by interacting directly
with end users. Strong client connections
can influence long-term profitability,
resulting in customer loyalty and
repeat business.

Despite their significance in the supply
chain, wholesalers might have fewer
chances to interact directly with customers
and develop lasting relationships.


Capital Allocation in Both Cases

Capital allocation is another differentiating wholesalers from retailers. It plays a crucial role in determining overall profitability and success. Here's how capital is typically allocated for wholesalers and retailers:

Retail Operations

●  Infrastructure of the Store

Establishing and maintaining the physical infrastructure of a store accounts for a large amount of capital in retail operations. This includes utilities, retail rent, lease agreements, and building or remodeling expenses.


●  Inventory

Purchasing and maintaining inventory requires significant financial investments from retailers. This includes locating products from vendors, keeping sufficient stock on hand to satisfy customer demand, and controlling inventory turnover to reduce carrying costs.


●  Marketing and Advertising

Funding is allocated for marketing and advertising campaigns that drive consumers into retail establishments and increase sales. To raise brand awareness and customer involvement advertising campaigns, promotions, signage, and digital marketing initiatives come into play.


●  Staffing

Funds are set aside for the recruitment and training of retail employees who will handle transactions, handle inventory, offer customer care, and keep the business running smoothly. Operating costs in retail are largely composed of labor costs.


●  Technology and Infrastructure

Retailers also invest in technology and infrastructure to support e-commerce platforms, point-of-sale systems, inventory management software, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.


●  Growth and Expansion

In order to improve the customer experience and spur growth, capital may also be allotted to expansion projects such as building additional storefronts, remodeling current ones, or acquiring omnichannel retail capabilities.

Wholesale Operations

●  Warehouse Infrastructure

To store and handle goods effectively, wholesalers invest in establishing and maintaining warehouse infrastructure. It also includes the cost of shelving, material handling systems, equipment, and warehouse space.


●  Purchasing Inventory

Purchasing inventory in bulk from manufacturers or distributors accounts for a sizable amount of cash in wholesale companies. To make money and profit margins, they purchase goods at wholesale costs and resell them to retailers at a premium.


●  Infrastructure

The infrastructure for logistics and transportation is funded for products to move from suppliers to warehouses and retailers. It involves costs for freight, shipping, vehicles used for transportation, and logistics management systems.


●  Sales and Customer Relations

Wholesalers invest in sales teams and CRM to establish rapport with retailers and offer individualized service. This also includes account management, customer service, and sales commission costs.


●  Technological Systems

To support processes like order processing, inventory management, invoicing, and customer communication, some capital is allocated to technological systems.


●  Expansion and Market Development

Funds are also allocated to expansion projects like breaking into new markets, increasing the range of products offered, or varying the distribution network to spur growth and boost market share.

Storage for Wholesalers Vs Retailers

The question of storage is also tackled differently in retail and wholesale operations. The inventory management strategies of any wholesaler and retailer determine their storage space.


Let’s see how storage is allocated in retail vs wholesale:


●  Large-Scale Warehousing

Wholesalers usually run large-scale warehouses or distribution facilities to keep items in quantity. These facilities are positioned to cater to several clients or retailers in a certain region.


●  High Storage Capacity

To handle huge inventories of goods they buy in bulk from suppliers or manufacturers, and to avail the discount on bulk purchasing, wholesalers need a sizable amount of storage space. Pallets, racks, and shelves are used in the warehouses to arrange and store various goods effectively.


●  Bulk storage

Products are kept in large quantities and are frequently placed in containers or stacked on pallets. To enhance storage density and promote effective inventory management, wholesalers optimize their warehouse design.


●  Inventory Management Systems

Wholesalers employ sophisticated inventory management systems to track inventory turnover, track product movements, and maintain stock levels. Wholesalers can avoid stockouts, efficiently manage stock rotation, and guarantee prompt inventory replenishment with the help of these technologies.


●  Store-Level Storage

Retailers keep merchandise in storage sections of their stores so that customers can purchase it right away. These storage spaces are usually found in the store's rear or special stockrooms.


●  Restricted Storage Space

Because retailers carry fewer items to satisfy immediate customer demand, they have less storage space than wholesalers. Retail storage spaces are designed to maximize the amount of retail space used for product displays while accommodating the required inventory.


●  Just-in-Time Inventory

Retailers widely use just-in-time inventory management techniques. They involve regularly restocking inventory based on demand projections and real-time sales data. This reduces the expense of storing extra inventory and guarantees that products will always be accessible to satisfy consumer demand.


●  Visual Presentation

Retailers place a high value on product presentation and visual merchandising, arranging their inventory to improve the browsing experience and promote impulsive purchases. Storage spaces are made to keep a visually beautiful store environment while making it easier to replace shelves and displays efficiently.

Business Scope

Let’s understand how the business scope adds to the difference between retail and wholesale businesses.



●  Bulk Distribution

The specialty of wholesalers is buying items in bulk from suppliers or manufacturers and distributing them to retailers, companies, and other clients.


●  Broad Product Selection

To meet the varied demands of retailers and enterprises, wholesalers usually provide a broad selection of products in many areas. They give retailers access to various products and frequently serve as one-stop sourcing solutions.


●  Geographic Coverage

Depending on the size of their business and the markets they service, wholesalers may operate on a regional, national, or international basis. They set up logistical infrastructure and distribution networks to deliver items to clients within their geographic reach.


●  Focus on B2B

Wholesalers operate as middlemen in business-to-business (B2B) transactions, facilitating exchanges between producers, retailers, or other enterprises. They cultivate partnerships with shops by providing value-added services, flexible payment terms, and competitive pricing to satisfy their clientele. ( Tip: Ensure you receive GST invoices for all your B2B transactions.)


●  Supply Chain Management

Wholesalers play a critical role in supply chain management by controlling logistics, maximizing inventory levels, and streamlining the movement of goods between suppliers and retailers. They guarantee prompt product delivery, reduce stockouts, and assist businesses in satisfying customer demand.




●  Consumer Sales

Retailers concentrate on selling products and services to final customers directly using a range of channels, such as online stores, mobile applications, and physical storefronts.


●  Omnichannel Presence

By implementing omnichannel strategies, retailers allow customers to shop on any platform, anytime and seamlessly combine online and offline channels. To improve online shopping and boost sales, they invest in digital capabilities, including social media, mobile apps, and e-commerce platforms.


●  Market Reach

Retailers can increase their market share by creating additional stores, breaking into untapped markets, or adding more variety to their product lines. They study market possibilities, conduct market research, and create strategic growth plans to gain market share and boost sales.


Which One Should You Choose? Retail or Wholesale?

To reach an answer, you need to ask yourself the following questions:


What’s Your Product’s Market?

Think about the characteristics of your product and the market for it. Retailing can be a better choice if your product is unique, has strong consumer demand, or needs direct customer touch. However, wholesale can be a better option if your product is meant for enterprises or other merchants and is meant for large-scale distribution.

What Resources You Will Need?

Assess the capital, infrastructure, and workforce that you have at your disposal. Retail operations usually require more resources, such as customer service representatives, shop space, and inventory management systems. While it might include more extensive logistics and distribution skills, wholesaling might require fewer initial resources.

What’s Your Financial Capability?

Take into account your financial resources and your capacity to fund operations, inventory, and growth. Because retail enterprises incur overhead expenditures like rent, utilities, and marketing charges, they may demand a larger initial capital commitment. While purchasing inventory and building out the distribution network may entail a substantial investment, wholesaling may have reduced capital needs for entry.

Who are Your Competitors?

Examine the competitive environment in which your business operates and determine whether retail and wholesale rivals are currently present. Think about your capacity to set your company apart from rivals and gain market share in either area. To ascertain your competitive edge, consider pricing tactics, product differentiation, and customer service provisions.

What’s the Market Looking Like?

Assess consumer inclinations, market trends, and industry dynamics to pinpoint prospects and difficulties in the retail and wholesale channels. Consider variables including market size, the potential for growth, and entry hurdles in each sector. Evaluate the degree of market saturation, demand, and competition for your product in the retail and wholesale sectors.

What are Your Business Goals?

Make sure the business model you select supports your long-term aims and ambitions. Decide if your main objective is increasing sales, profits, market share, or brand awareness. Consider elements like growth potential, scalability, and adaptability to shifting market conditions.


No matter which business model you pick, Amazon Business has your back. Amazon Business works for you tirelessly to ensure your sourcing and procurement needs are met and your business finds a strong footing to kickstart your journey.

What Benefits Does Amazon Business Provide in Wholesale or Bulk Buying Journey?

Amazon Business is the only place where wholesalers and retailers can benefit from. Purchasing from Amazon Business has the following benefits for a wholesaler:


➔    Our bulk purchasing and bulk order features ease the ordering process. Wholesalers can avail of massive discounts across products and enjoy business-exclusive deals.

➔    You can enjoy the benefits of GST invoice purchase as we offer GST invoices for the input tax credits to kick in.

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Moreover, our Amazon Business app ensures you don't have to visit our website every time. You can easily open your smartphone and start purchasing. Don't wait any longer, create your Amazon Business account today!


  • Retail directly sells goods or services to final customers through various channels, including physical stores, e-commerce websites, and mobile applications. These sales are typically made in smaller volumes. Conversely, selling items in bulk to retailers, companies, or other clients constitutes wholesale, which acts as a middleman between producers and final consumers.

  • A wholesaler is a business or individual that purchases goods in large quantities from manufacturers or suppliers and sells them to retailers, businesses, or other customers. Wholesalers typically operate in bulk distribution, supplying products to retailers who then sell them to end consumers.

  • Any company or individual that sells products or services directly to final customers for domestic or personal use is known as a retailer. Retailers serve as the last link in the supply chain, linking manufacturers or wholesalers with customers through various platforms, including physical storefronts, mobile apps, and websites.

  • In some situations, wholesaling might benefit because of cheaper overhead expenses, simpler inventory management, and higher volume sales. By buying items in bulk at discounted costs and reselling them to retailers at a premium, wholesalers can profit from economies of scale by increasing sales and profit margins.

  • Whether to start a wholesale or retail business depends on many variables, such as your product, the demand in the market, your available resources, and your company's objectives. Take into account variables such as your target market's tastes, the competitive environment, your ability to manage inventory, and your access to cash. To choose the best business model that fits your goals and skills, do extensive financial analysis, strategic planning, and market research.

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